Install, build and run anHALytics backend

The anHALytics backend can be run with the anHALytics-core project. It covers the document harvesting, annotating and indexing, together with the creation of a Knowledge Base over the whole document collection.


Current development version

The current development version can be downloaded from GitHub and built as follow:

Clone source code from github:

git clone


A Java development environment is necessary: JAVA JDK 1.7 minimum.

GROBID (GeneRation Of BIbliographic Data)

Grobid is used as entry point for document digestion, which means extracting metadata and structured full text in (TEI). Grobid is a machine learning library for extracting bibliographical information and structured full texts from technical and scientific documents, in particular from PDF. It is distributed under Apache 2 license.

Clone the current project from github (as of November 2016, GROBID version 0.4.2-SNAPSHOT):

git clone

AnHALytics uses GROBID as a service which allows to distribute the process and exploit multithreading easily. See the GROBID documentation on how to start the RESTful service.

(N)ERD - Entity Recognition and Disambiguisation

Our (N)ERD service annotates the text by recognizing and disambiguating terms in context. Entities are currently identified against Wikipedia. In this project, the (N)ERD is using the free disambiguation service - the recognition and disambiguation is not constrained by a preliminary Named Entity Recognition.

At the present date, only the NER part of the NERD is available in open source (see grobid-ner. The full NERD repo will be made publicly available on GitHub soon under Apache 2 license.

Keyterm extraction and disambiguation

This keyphrase, key concept and category extraction service is based on the keyphrase extraction tool developed and ranked first at SemEval-2010, task 5 - Automatic Keyphrase Extraction from Scientific Articles. Term in this context has to be understood as a complex technical term, e.g. a phrase having a specialized meaning given a technical or scientific field. In addition to key term extraction, the weighted vector of terms is disambiguated by the above (N)ERD service, resulting in a weighted list of Wikipedia concepts (i.e. Wikipedia articles) and a list of Wikipedia categories is provided.

The Keyterm extraction repo will be made publicly available on GitHub soon under Apache 2 license.


Elasticsearch is a distributed RESTful search engine. Specify (and adjust, if you want more shards and replicas) the following in the ElasticSearch config file (elasticsearch.yml): anhalytics_cluster2711
index.number_of_shards: 1
index.number_of_replicas: 0
cluster.routing.allocation.disk.threshold_enabled: false

http.cors.enabled : true
http.cors.allow-origin : "*"
http.cors.allow-methods : OPTIONS, HEAD, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
http.cors.allow-headers : X-Requested-With,X-Auth-Token,Content-Type, Content-Length

Note that CORS must be allowed.

AnHALytics supports currently (April 2018) a version 5.6.7 of ElasticSearch.


A running instance of MongoDB is required for document persistence and document provision.

The mongoDB database is constituted of collections where each type of data are stored into groups :

  • metadata_teis : The initialised TEI corpus containing at first the harvested publications metadata from the API following TEI format.
  • pub_annexes : The downloaded annexes for each publication.
  • identifiers : Used to generate a unique identifier(anhalyticsID) for each new publication and link it to all External identifiers.(ObjectID)
  • binaries : The corresponding PDF files for the each entry of the metadata TEI.
  • grobid_teis : The extracted TEI from the PDFs using Grobid.
  • metadata_teiswithfulltext : The TEI corpus with their corresponding fullltext following the pattern described below containing both metadata, grobid extraction and in the future, found metadata about the annexes(used to search all fields by the search engine).
  • nerd_annotations : Recognized Named entities from the text pieces found in the working TEIs.
  • keyterm_annotations : Indexing Keyterms selected from the working TEI.
  • diagnostic : Logging of downloading problems and bibliographic data extraction errors using Grobid.

Document storage and provision

We use MongoDB GridFS layer for document file support (using WiredTiger is recommended). Each type of files are stored in a different collection. hal tei => hal-tei-collection , binaries => binaries-collection,...,


A running instance of Mysql is required for building the knowledge base (relational database).

Web server

A web application server, such as Tomcat, JBoss or Jetty, is necessary to deploy the complementary front demos which are packaged in a war file.

Project design

anHALytics-core performs the document ingestion, from external harvesting of documents to indexing. It has (so far) six components corresponding to six sub-projects:

  1. common contains methods and resources shared by the other components.
  2. harvest performs the document harvesting (PDF and metadata) and the transformations into common TEI representations.
  3. annotate realises document enrichment, more precisely it disambiguates and annotates entities and key-concepts into the TEI structures.
  4. kb build and update the Knowledge Base (KB) of anHALytics.
  5. index performs indexing in ElasticSearch for the final TEI, the annotations and the KB.
  6. test is dedicated to integration tests.

Build with gradle

After cloning the repository, under the main directory anHALytics-core/make sur the paths are correct in the configuration properties files conf/ then compile and build using maven :

./gradlew clean install

After the compilation you'll find the jar produced for each module under MODULE/build/libs.

You need first to customize the configuration:

./ --configure

This it will create a configuration file anHALytics-core/config/

Finally, to create the knowledge base database using MySQL :

./ --prepare

Make sure all the required service are up.



> cd anhalytics-harvest

Basically three options are available for harvesting [harvestAll, harvestList, sample]

An executable jar file is produced under the directory anhalytics-harvest/build/libs.

The following command displays the help:

> java -jar build/libs/anhalytics-harvest-<current version>.one-jar.jar -h

For a large harvesting task, use -Xmx2048m to set the JVM memory to avoid OutOfMemoryException.


To start harvesting all the documents of HAL based on OAI-PMH v2, use:

> java -Xmx2048m -jar build/libs/anhalytics-harvest-<current version>.one-jar.jar -exe harvestAll -source hal

Please refer to the doc about integrating new harvester for other sources Integrate_harvester Harvesting is done through a reverse chronological order, here is a sample of the OAI-PMH request:

For instance, the process can be configured on a cron table.

Harvest a list of specific HAL documents

For harvesting a list of HAL documents based on their HAL ID, use the following command:

> java -Xmx2048m -jar build/libs/anhalytics-harvest-<current version>.one-jar.jar -source HAL -exe harvestList -list list.txt

where the file list.txt is a file with one HAL ID per line.

Harvest a sample from Istex corpus

This applies only if you have access to Istex plateform from your environment.

For harvesting a sample of 120 from different categories (wos/scienceMetrix), use the following command:

> java -Xmx2048m -jar build/libs/anhalytics-harvest-<current version>.one-jar.jar -source ISTEX -exe sample

Metadata transformation

Next comes the metadata tranformation step which consists of having a standard TEI format from the harvested metadata. (warning : in this step a unique id is generated for the text[title, abstract in the case of the metadata ] and used for text mining purpose in order to keep the association between annotations and the text they are extracted from, once those are indexed)

> java -Xmx2048m -jar build/libs/anhalytics-harvest-<current version>.one-jar.jar -exe transformMetadata -source hal

The TEI is generated following this struture:

            <!-- Consolidated harvested metadata, from HAL for example, with entity 
                (author, affiliation, etc.) disambiguation -->

Grobid processing

Once the document are downloaded, the TEI needs to be extracted. You can run the process with (warning : in this step a unique id is generated for the text and used for text mining purpose in order to keep the association between annotations and the text they are extracted from, once those are indexed)

> java -Xmx2048m -jar build/libs/anhalytics-harvest-<current version>.one-jar.jar -exe processGrobid

Fulltext appending

Once the fulltext is processed with grobid we need to append to the corpus previously created:

> java -Xmx2048m -jar build/libs/anhalytics-harvest-<current version>.one-jar.jar -exe appendFulltextTei

The TEI structure becomes like this :

            <!-- Consolidated harvested metadata, from HAL for example, with entity 
                (author, affiliation, etc.) disambiguation -->
            <!-- GROBID automatically extracted data -->

Knowledge Base Builder

The knowledge base is built using MySQL. All the metadata at our disposal are extracted and saved in a relational database following this data model.

> cd anhalytics-kb

To see all available options:

> java -Xmx2048m -jar build/libs/anhalytics-kb-<current version>.one-jar.jar -h

To create the metadata database from the working TEI use:

> java -Xmx2048m -jar build/libs/anhalytics-kb-<current version>.one-jar.jar -exe initKnowledgeBase

To build a database for the bibliographic references :

> java -Xmx2048m -jar build/libs/anhalytics-kb-<current version>.one-jar.jar -exe initCitationKnowledgeBase


Once the working TEI collection is set, we can start to enrich the documents with our text mining components: extraction of named entities and computation of keyterms (aka free keyphrase extraction), key concepts (Wikipedia articles), key categories (Wikipedia catgories) and extraction of physical measurements (quantities expressed as single values, intervals or list) from the downloaded documents. This is the purpose of the anhalytics-annotate sub-project:

> cd anhalytics-annotate

The documents are enriched with semantic annotations. This is realized with the NERD service.

An executable jar file is produced under the directory anhalytics-annotate/target.

The following command displays the help:

> java -Xmx2048m -jar build/libs/anhalytics-annotate-<current version>.one-jar.jar -h

For launching the full annotation of all the documents using all the available annotators:

> java -Xmx2048m -jar build/libs/anhalytics-annotate-<current version>.one-jar.jar -multiThread -exe annotateAll

(-multiThread option is recommended in general in order to activate parallel processing for document annotation, due to the size of the document repository)

Annotation of the collection with the (N)ERD service

The annotation of the sub-project anhalytics-annotate/:

> java -Xmx2048m -jar build/libs/anhalytics-annotate-<current version>.one-jar.jar -multiThread -exe annotateNerd

(-multiThread option is recommended)

Annotation of the collection with the KeyTerm extraction and disambiguation service

The annotation on the collection can be launch with the command in the main directory of the sub-project anhalytics-annotate/:

> java -Xmx2048m -jar build/libs/anhalytics-annotate-<current version>.one-jar.jar -multiThread -exe annotateKeyTerm

(-multiThread option is recommended)

Annotation of the collection with the physical measurements extraction service

The annotation on the collection can be launch with the command in the main directory of the sub-project anhalytics-annotate/:

> java -Xmx2048m -jar build/libs/anhalytics-annotate-<current version>.one-jar.jar -multiThread -exe annotateQuantities

(-multiThread option is NOT recommended for the moment)

To annotate the PDF documents :

> java -Xmx2048m -jar build/libs/anhalytics-annotate-<current version>.one-jar.jar -multiThread -exe annotateQuantitiesFromPDF

Storage of annotations

Annotations are persistently stored in a MongoDB collection and available for indexing by ElasticSearch.


Move to the subproject:

> cd anhalytics-index

Set-up the indexes

The indexes will be initalized with the following command:

> java -Xmx2048m -jar build/libs/ -exe setup

Build all the indexes

For building all the indexes required by the different frontend applications, use the following command:

> java -Xmx2048m -jar build/libs/anhalytics-index-<current version>.one-jar.jar -exe indexAll

Indexing TEI

In the indexing process, the working TEI documents have to be indexed first:

> java -Xmx2048m -jar build/libs/anhalytics-index-<current version>.one-jar.jar -exe indexTEI

Indexing annotations

For indexing then the annotations, in the main directory of the sub-project anhalytics-index/ use:

> java -Xmx2048m -jar build/libs/anhalytics-index-<current version>.one-jar.jar -exe indexAnnotations

Indexing the Knowledge Base

Third, for indexing the content of the Knowlkedge Base, in the main directory of the sub-project anhalytics-index/:

> java -Xmx2048m -jar build/libs/anhalytics-index-<current version>.one-jar.jar -exe indexKB

Launch pdf data provider

The executable for launching the rest service is under the sub-project anhalytics-harvest/

> cd anhalytics-harvest
> java -Xmx2048m -jar build/libs/fileprovider-rest-service.jar

This should start the service on the port specified in anhalytics-harvest/src/main/resources/


This subproject is dedicated to integration and end-to-end tests - in contrast to unit tests which come with each specific sub-project.

> cd anhalytics-test

Work in progress...